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Our Mission, Goals and Structure

Our Mission

The Carleton Health Science Society (HSS) is a student society which seeks to represent, support and advocate for students within the Health Science department while fostering the development of connections between students. Our mission is to provide students within the department the best possible university experience, but offering experiences to further our education,  social network, interact with fellow students and most of all, have fun!

Our Goals

Relevant Academic Events

We want to continue to bring you academic events that answer your questions and enrich your experience in CU Health Sci!

Increased Availability

We're committed to making ourselves available online, and in person to our peers!

Amazing Social Opportunities

The HSS is going to keep rolling out social events to keep you connected with your peers in Health Sci, and the Faculty of Science.

Promote our Meetings

We are going to publicly announce when our meetings will be so that you can participate!

Consistent Communication

Our team will work hard to keep you updated on what's happening in our department and in the greater scientific community!

Our Structure


The president oversees meetings, keeps contact with the executive team, manages members and assigns tasks to the society. The President is responsible for overseeing the transition from one executive term to the next, and is a contact point for CUSA and CASG. The President must ensure that all necessary documents are submitted to CUSA throughout the year and is expected to keep all HSS members up to date with opportunities for events, funding, and academic enrichment.


Working closely with local organizations and key stakeholders, the Outreach Team amplifies the influence of initiatives of the Health Science Society. They establish meaningful connections with external partners, enhancing students' learning experiences by fostering collaborations that bring valuable insights, resources, and opportunities. 


The Academic team keep in contact with the faculty and staff members of the Health Science Department, coordinate events related to academic enrichment with professors and instructors and lastly, they coordinate Academic committee meetings. The Academic team are responsible for events like Research Night and our Capstone Info Session.


The VP Finance manages the budget for events, applies for funding from CUSA and issues reimbursements where necessary. They are responsible for communicating information regarding funding to the VPs for their various events, and are expected to stay up to date with any available funding opportunities from CUSA and CASG.


The VP Events creates and plans social events​, as well as communicates with outside sources to make events possible. The VP also organizes Events committee meetings. The directors assist with all social events and events committee meetings.


The VP Communications advertises for events, creates social media posts (including meeting topics), and writes classroom announcements for year reps. The directors each maintain one social network for the Society, design and place posters around campus to advertise the various events going on.

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